For the same infringement upon the exclusive right to a registered trademark to which the administrative punishments have been given by the competent administrative department for Industry and commerce, the people's court shall impose no further civil sanction. 工商行政管理部门对同一侵犯注册商标专用权行为已经给予行政处罚的,人民法院不再予以民事制裁。
A permanent exclusive right to the use of a trademark, brand name, or commercial symbol may be obtained by registering it with the federal government. 使用商标、品牌名或商业标记的永久专属权可以通过向政府申请登记获得。
The exclusive right to use a registered trademark is limited to the trademark which has been approved for registration and to the goods in respect of which the use of the trademark has been approved. 注册商标的专用权,以核准注册的商标和核定使用的商品为限。
Any natural person, legal person or other organization, intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a service mark for the service provided by him or it, shall file an application for the registration of the service mark with the trademark office. 自然人、法人或者其他组织对其提供的服务项目,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请服务商标注册。
Article 3. A registered trademark means a trademark that has been approved and registered by the Trademark Office. The trademark registrant shall enjoy an exclusive right to use the trademark, which shall be protected by law. 第三条经商标局核准注册的商标为注册商标,商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。
Analysis to the Objectives and Performance of the Policy of Protecting the Exclusive Right to Use a Trademark in China 中国商标专用权保护政策的目标与绩效分析
Trademark confusion should be incorporated into the scope of legislation as a judgment standard of trademark infringement according to the theory of confusion, to create the binary protection system according to the theory of exclusive right to use a trademark. 应将混淆纳入立法范畴,作为商标侵权判断的一种标准、依混淆理论扩展商标侵权类型的种类并结合商标专用权理论,建立一种二元的保护体例。
Trademark infringement refers to acts infringing upon the exclusive right to use registered trademark, and causing damages to the rights and interests of the trademark owners. 商标侵权行为是指侵犯他人的注册商标专用权,给他人商标权益造成损害的行为。
The right the owner of a trademark usually involve two sections: the exclusive right to use trademark and the right to prevent unfair competition. 商标所有人的权利包括对其商标的专有使用权和防止不正当竞争的权利两个方面。
Since China adopted a system of trademark registration the exclusive right to obtain, according to the provisions of trademark law, unregistered trademarks cannot get trademark. 由于我国采取的是商标注册取得专用权制度,根据我国商标法的规定,未注册商标不能得到商标专用权。